Automehaničar - Mechanic - Rašid Kovačević (Novi Travnik)

Описание к видео Automehaničar - Mechanic - Rašid Kovačević (Novi Travnik)

Rašid Kovačević iz Novog Travnika pohađa 2. razred osnovne škole. Voli igrati igrice i uživa u čitanju. Ipak, kao i svaki desetogodišnjak najviše voli automobile. Zato je u svom filmu na jedan minut postao automehaničar.

Projekat „Shvatite nas ozbiljno - govorimo o mogućnostima" realizuju NVO Genesis Project i Fondacija za kreativni razvoj u partnerstvu sa UNICEF-om, USAID-a i Delegacijom Evropske komisije u BiH.

Filmovi , koje su u cjelosti proizvela djeca sa i bez teškoća u razvoju, imaju za cilj da promovišu dječija prava i socijalnu inkluziju sa naročitim fokusom na mogućnosti i prava djece sa poteškoćama u razvoju.

Projekat „Shvatite nas ozbiljno - govorimo o mogućnostima" je sastavni dio programa koji se realizuje na svim nivoima vlasti, te u 32 opštine širom BiH pod imenom „Jačanje sistema socijalne zaštite i inkluzije djece u BiH" ( SPIS). Ovaj program se realizuje uz podršku Ministarstva civilnih poslova BiH, Ministarstva za ljudska prava i izbjeglice, Ministarstva rada i socijalne politike FBiH i Ministarstva zdravlja i socijalne zaštite Republike Srpske.

Supported by UNICEF, USAID and EUD, One-minute movies are the result of the inclusive five-day workshops attended by students with and without disabilities. Assisted by the Genesis Project and the Foundation for Creative Development Sarajevo, students have designed and filmed these movies, thus pointing out the opportunities, desires and needs, in a unique and creative way. Made in full by children with and without disability, these films aim to promote children's rights and social inclusion, with a particular focus on the opportunities and rights of children with disabilities. Project Take Us Seriously -- It's About Ability is an integral part of the programme implemented at all levels of government, and in 32 municipalities across the country under the title of Enhancing the Social Protection and Inclusion System for Children in BiH (SPIS). The programme is implemented with the support of the BiH Ministry of Civil Affairs, the BiH Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees, the FBiH Ministry of Labor and Social Policy and the Republika Srpska Ministry of Health and Social Protection. The first presentation of One Minute Junior movies was held in the Municipality of Novi Grad Sarajevo. The movie workshops are now being held in 11 more cities. All the movies, produced within this activities, will be nominated for One Minute Junior Award, and presented in November, at the One Minute Junior Festival in Banja Luka.


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