iPhone Error 4014 【Special Case】 Repaired | AP_to_Nand_RESET_L short on 6S Plus

Описание к видео iPhone Error 4014 【Special Case】 Repaired | AP_to_Nand_RESET_L short on 6S Plus

iPhone 6S Plus Problem:
1. Stuck Apple logo.
2. iTunes show error 4014 when Restore / Update.

Mission: Data Recovery

The owner sent it to multiple shops but they all told him it can't be repaired.
So it's tampered by someone before our hand.
This is NOT a common problem, finally I can show you it can be fixed if you have the right knowledge.

Hints: Reball the CPU or do a transplant won't help.

This is a good example case to show you that by knowing "how the circuit works" so then we can build a modified solution for it.
I always say this to my students ---
"Please stop blindly changing the IC"
"Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist"

#error4014 #resetlineshort


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