Cobra Stretch

Описание к видео Cobra Stretch

Step 1
Starting Position: Lie prone (on your stomach) on an exercise mat or floor with your hands by your sides, positioned directly under your shoulders and hands facing forward. Extend your legs and plantar flex your ankles (toes point away from body).
Step 2
Upward Phase: Gently exhale and press your hips into the mat or floor and pull your chest away from the ground while keeping your hips stable. This will arch your low back and stretch the muscles in your chest and abdominal region. On your forearms, keep the upper back and neck relaxed. Have most of your weight on your forearms. The goal is to relax your low back. Think of this as a hammock where your pelvis is one tree and the other end is the shoulder which is very strong.Your low back should sag into it with gravity. This exercise should decrease your pain after a few repetitions
Step 3
Downward Phase: Gently relax and lower your upper body to rest back upon the mat or floor.

Dr Pierre Brunet - Rockcliffe Chiropractic Clinic
1a Springfield Rd
Ottawa ON


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