Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Rehearsal…(With Lasers)”

Описание к видео Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Rehearsal…(With Lasers)”

I don’t know about you guys, but I personally don’t think any rehearsal is worth a damn unless there are lasers…..oh, and you think YOU play loud?

Mike Mills
Mikey Wanchic
Michael Ramos
Danny Nucci
Kenny Aronoff
The singer chicks

Remember that movie where the soccer team crashed a plane in the arctic and they had to eat each other to survive? It was called “Alive”

Yeah, Danny Nucci was in that…as well as a little movie you mighta heard of called “Titanic”

Cool guy, but I can bench more than him

And most importantly, happy birthday Richard Reith…it’s been two years and we still think about you every day


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