Heydon Pickering / The Folly of Chasing Demographics

Описание к видео Heydon Pickering / The Folly of Chasing Demographics

People with disabilities are different. Not only different from those without disabilities but different from other people with disabilities and even different from other people with the same disabilities. Different experiences, different circumstances, different adaptations, different preferences, different everything. So why do we design for 'screen reader users' or 'keyboard users', for example, like they're all the same person? Are there less clumsy (and insulting!) ways to approach inclusion?

About the speaker

Heydon is a designer, front-end developer, technical writer, video producer, and dubious, self-appointed mascot for The Web. They have written several books about web accessibility and co-authored the CSS layout primer Every Layout with Andy Bell. Bulb Energy, The BBC, Spotify, and SpringerNature have all asked Heydon to help them develop their design systems. They play baritone guitar, synth, and theremin in a psychedelic punk and roll band.



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