Light Language Blessing: Heal Our Subtle Body

Описание к видео Light Language Blessing: Heal Our Subtle Body

The subtle body is an energy field that surrounds us and is superimposed on our physical body. Our chakras and acupuncture points reside at the core of the subtle body as it merges with our personal energy aura field. Our chi/ki/prana lifeforce flows through the subtle body and allows us mastery over the physical realm with practice. It is said that the subtle breath can be used to achieve supernatural powers and attain higher states of consciousness while on Earth. This light language energy transmission is intended to heal our subtle body multidimensionally, repairing any cracks, holes or other energy leaks, as well as repair any connection issues between us and the Unified Field of Consciousness, or the network of connected energy within the Universe. Our energy body is meant to flow freely and powerfully in sync with the universe. This energy transmission will improve breathing practices as well in regards to using the power of our chi/prana in everyday thought and action to live life from the higher dimensions of consciousness.

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