Brussels(Belgium) 布魯塞爾(比利時)樂器博物館-速覽 Music instrument Museum-quick overview

Описание к видео Brussels(Belgium) 布魯塞爾(比利時)樂器博物館-速覽 Music instrument Museum-quick overview

Originally affiliated with the Royal Conservatoire of Brussels, it was officially established in 1877. Part of the Royal Museum of Art and History, it houses a rare collection of over 8,000 musical instruments.
收藏從傳統到現在有來自各國稀有性並多樣性的樂器,例如保加利亞、羅馬尼亞、匈牙利,也有看到一些中國的傳統樂器。The collection has evolved from tradition to the present and includes rare and diverse musical instruments from various countries, such as Bulgaria, Romania, and Hungary. We also saw some traditional Chinese musical instruments.


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