Insulated Solar Electric Cooker (ISEC)– Tomorrow's healthy affordable stoves?

Описание к видео Insulated Solar Electric Cooker (ISEC)– Tomorrow's healthy affordable stoves?

🇬🇧 During the American stopover of the Nomade des Mers, we travel to the green plains of Virginia to meet the Living Energy Farm. An intentional community of a dozen people who have achieved an impressive level of energy and food autonomy thanks. Alexis Ziegler, one of the founders, presents us in the Insulated Solar Electric Cooker (ISEC): a cooking technology consisting of a solar panel directly connected to an electric heater inside of a super-insulated chamber. He also presents the different ways of cooking they experimented: biogaz, wood stove, solar oven.

🛠️ The open-source tutorial:

👉 More details on this community and their approach to energy autonomy:



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