Spoken Word Testimony | Alicia Wright

Описание к видео Spoken Word Testimony | Alicia Wright

On my last day as a 24-year-old, I became inspired to write a Spoken Word Testimony to sum up my first quarter of a century. Here's to the next quarter, and many chapters to be added to this beautiful storyline called Life.

|| The Storyline ||
We’re all a part of one.
Hemmed into the pages of a story long begun
Long ago.
When chapters were white, unscathed by strokes and blots,
but plots were only thoughts, desires to be wrought
By the hand who holds the pen,
the stars,
the human heart.

So my story begins.
Alicia Louise Wright - One minute past midnight
Held by a carpenter’s hands – A Father’s Day gift: 1990
Let the zip code stroll through the corn maze, sheep pen, summer days, tornado wind
A Eureka! I’ve found it! dot on a map
that forms presidents like Reagan to become just that.
Something – Someone full of destiny.
Born to embrace history

Though: No Amen heard at my family dinner
No calloused knees shouting surrender
Until the Word, His Word, found a rooting in that central Illinois soil of my heart.
And any page is good to start - a new story.

Hello page fifteen – that marked it. That sparked it.
Cue the scene change. Cue the plot twist, the rearrange.
The life given over in divine exchange.
Could it be? The man pinned to that tree is the man who hovered over seas
Over the deep and said
Let there be light?
I was convinced.
A new creation. New location. No deviation from my Father.
He set a seal to dwell within. And oh I was shaken.
Physically. Uncontrollably for days.
No record from my lips until that moment of such boldness
An infilling of the Acts chapter 2, tongues of fire upper room
Manifest, now presumed indwelling Christ.
Who healed my knee miraculously, and now my mind unto eternity. My family now baptized into His mercy

Though the enemy began threw blades at me
Dislocating my hip, scalping my head - literally
Doing anything he could to detour and squander a life set apart

Well, it didn’t work. I didn’t wander.
Opposition made me stronger.

One night - A week of water as my meals
Hunger rose for God; for encounter; for zeal
To consume. Resume on with an American dream? What torture.
‘I don’t care what I do” I said, “As long as I may be your partner.
Prove You hear me.” He paused not at all.
Out of my mouth the words I recall.
‘Shemaya Saatiya’ ‘Shemaya Saatiya’ over and over and over and over Shemaya: Came to find. Spoken in Hebrew, God’s native Word.
This old testament prophet’s name means ‘God has heard.’
He says what he means and means what He says
Turns out ‘Saatiya’ is Hindi for becoming His partner the rest
Of my days.

Down a road to the nations with worship and prayer
Let it mingle with missions and not become rare
To hear my favorite man’s name known,
and honored to the ends of the earth.
Encounter encounter will tell of His worth.
So I’ll scribble down these stories on parchment pieces
And tangle the five letter name of names into the creases
To hasten my King – a reward for his suffering
A grandeur returning after a selfless blood offering
overcoming and restoring all love

History – The ancient mystery
Told through the Word of our testimony.


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