#76: Gone Guy [Benjamin Bathurst]

Описание к видео #76: Gone Guy [Benjamin Bathurst]

In 1809, at the height of the Napoleonic Wars, British diplomat Benjamin Bathurst vanished into thin air. He was never seen again, and We're still debating what happened to him some 213 years later.

00:00 Intro
00:30 Banter
02:11 Lo!
03:58 The Story So Far
10:16 The Disappearance
14:11 The Official Investigation
16:13 The Unofficial Investigation
20:51 The Theories
25:36 Conclusions
26:01 Sources
26:30 Connections
27:29 Outro

Transcript, sources, links and more at

Key sources for this episode include Sabine Baring-Gould's Historic Oddities and Strange Events ; Michael Mason's "Benjamin Bathurst; The Case of the Missing Diplomat, 1809"; and Neville Thompson's "The Continental System as a Sieve: The Disappearance of Benjamin Bathurst in 1809."

Part of the That's Not Canon Productions podcast network. https://thatsnotcanon.com/

This week we're co-promoting with fellow TNC podcast Grown Up. The life of an adult is complicated and tough, and sometimes you feel like you aren't doing your best. Join Derric Holland as he does his best to navigate the perils of growing up and discusses mental health, relationships, and self-discovery along the way. https://beacons.ai/grownuppodcast

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