Why don't we make a science fiction sword with Tungsten? (W video)

Описание к видео Why don't we make a science fiction sword with Tungsten? (W video)

We live in The Future. A very cyberpunk future. So do we have access to any new sci-fi materials that our ancestors didn't? Yup. Tungsten, Titanium, Carbon Fiber, etc. Do we have hotter forges than medieval sword smiths, so we can work things they couldn't? Of course we do. So why don't we make a super cyberpunk science fiction sword with Tungsten?

Well, I don't exactly address all of that, but between this video and this one (   • Why is Steel Best for SWORDS? ⚔️  ), I cover why we haven't deviated from steel too much at all.

While you could make a sword from Tungsten, Titanium, Carbon Fiber, or a number of other things—a cyber ninja katana, if you will--they often lack something that steel has.

#sword #steel #metal


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