My attempt at Moonlight Sonata 3rd. movement

Описание к видео My attempt at Moonlight Sonata 3rd. movement

This is my attempt at playing the third movement of Moonlight Sonata.

I'm gonna be completely honest and say right away that this piece is a little too difficult for me. I practiced a LOT, and still, this was the best I could get on a recording. For some reason I have a much harder time getting it right when I record.

I could blame the mistakes on a bunch of stuff, including that the piano shakes a lot and that I'm currently sick when recording. But the honest answer is that the song is simply too difficult. I could probably learn to play it almost perfectly, but that would take months more, and if I need to practice that much on a single song, I believe it's safe to say that it's a bit too difficult.

Anyway, without making the description way too long, I still want to say that even though I'm aware I made several mistakes, I'm quite proud of the fact that I can play the piece without major mistakes most of the times (off camera mainly)! This is an achievement for me, not only because it's a difficult piece, but because I'm well aware of the fact that this probably is the pinnacle of my technical abilities on the piano. I could try to become even better, but I don't have the will to do so. Music is just an interest for me, and even within music I want to embark on other endeavours which I'm currently more interested in.

Well, if I get even better at the song over time (simply by playing it now and then over time), I might post it again more confidently. But for now, this is it!

Thanks for watching!


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