Journey Through the Himalayas: From Darcha to Lachung La

Описание к видео Journey Through the Himalayas: From Darcha to Lachung La

Darcha and Lachung La are both significant locations in the Indian Himalayas, specifically in the state of Himachal Pradesh.Darcha is a small village located in the Lahaul region and serves as a popular starting point for treks and expeditions into the higher Himalayas. It's often considered the last settlement before the treacherous journey towards Zanskar and Ladakh.Lachung La is a high-altitude mountain pass at approximately 5,065 meters (16,616 feet) and is one of the highest passes in the region. It's part of the trail connecting Darcha to various parts of Ladakh and Zanskar.The journey from Darcha to Lachung La typically involves several days of trekking through rugged terrain, crossing rivers, and navigating challenging weather conditions. The trek is demanding and requires proper acclimatization and preparation due to the high altitude and remote location. This route is popular among adventure enthusiasts and trekkers looking for an authentic Himalayan experience.
#lehladakhtrip​ #darcha​ #lachungla​ #passes​ #deepaktal​ #surajtal​


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