Break the Cycle: A Guide to Healing Intergenerational Trauma - Dr. Mariel Buqué

Описание к видео Break the Cycle: A Guide to Healing Intergenerational Trauma - Dr. Mariel Buqué

Dr. Buqué is a brilliant, generous, kind person who also happens to be a psychologist, the author of the fascinating book BREAK THE CYCLE, a sound bath meditation healer, and the spearheader of a fascinating approach to healing that blends ancient, indigenous practices with a modern, scientific approach. The methods she uses to help us resolve intergenerational stress, and both “little t” and “Big T” trauma, is, to my mind, a perfect hybrid of established technique and unconventional thinking.

I hope you will listen to this conversation about carrying familial burdens, forgiveness, illness, freedom, guilt, loyalty, and more. And I hope you will also check out BREAK THE CYCLE if you want to learn about the powerful mind-body connection and how to begin healing the unseen wounds from which so many of us suffer. The methods that Dr. Buqué describes in this book embody the perfect mix of clear-eyed science, relatable stories, and my favorite — solutions! What could be better?

Thank you for bringing your wisdom, experience, and luminosity to our book club, Mariel. You are extraordinary!


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