Anatomy of the Liver, Gall Bladder, Pancreas and Kidneys on CT

Описание к видео Anatomy of the Liver, Gall Bladder, Pancreas and Kidneys on CT

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This video demonstrates the anatomy of the liver, gall bladder, pancreas and kidneys on CT. It continues on with a live interactive anatomical quiz and then moves on to a discussion on common pathological findings, both on the same topic.

The Liver

The Veins of the Liver

The portal vein

The left portal vein
The right portal vein
Anterior devision
Posterior division

The inferior vena cava

The left hepatic vein
The middle hepatic vein
The right hepatic vein

The Segments of the Liver

IVa and IVb

The Falciform Ligament

The Ligamentum Venosum

The Porta Hepatis

The portal vein
The left and right hepatic ducts
The left and right hepatic arteries

The Gall Bladder

The fundus
The body
The neck
The cystic duct

The Bile Duct

The Pancreas

The head
The uncinate process
The neck
The body
The tail
The pancreatic duct

The Kidneys

The cortex
The medulla
The minor and major calyx
The renal pelvis
The ureters

The Adrenal Glands

The Spaces

The right sub-phrenic space (above the liver)
The left sub-phrenic space (above the spleen)
The hepato-renal recess (Morrison’s pouch)
The peri-renal space
The para-renal space (anterior and posterior)
The peri-splenic space
The right paracolic gutter
The left paracolic gutter
The recto-uterine space (the pouch of Douglas)
The utero-vesicular space
The recto-vesicular space (in males)

The checklist and quiz can be downloaded from the link below:

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DICOM Viewer is Horos from Horos Project:

CT was made available for use for teaching at Embodi3D:

This exact CT can be downloaded here:

#liver #pancreas #kidney


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