GBO2 RX-0 Phenex (NT): It's stronger than the Unicorn?!

Описание к видео GBO2 RX-0 Phenex (NT): It's stronger than the Unicorn?!

This video is a recent custom match I had with the RX-0 Unicorn Gundam Phenex on Gundam Battle Operation 2. It is a 700 cost general with insanely powerful shooting, powerful NT-D melee like Unicorn, high mobility, team heal ability and a barrier like Moon Gundam. I think it is fair to say that the Phenex has no notable weaknesses or downsides. It feels more complicated than the Unicorn or Banshee due to its toolkit being harder to use, but it feels like it combines the strengths of both Moon Gundam and Unicorn Gundam while turning them up to 11. I am still learning how to use all of its weapons and skills to the fullest but this match still went amazingly. I hope that you enjoy watching!

The primary weapon of the Phenex is a beam magnum with 3600 power, 5 ammo, 350m range, 6 seconds cooldown, 14 seconds reload, 0.8 seconds focus and 10% stagger value. This recently had its cooldown, splash radius and leg damage nerfed. It still has insanely high power though along with a large projectile.
Its primary melee weapon is a single saber in normal mode or two sabers in NT-D mode. This has 2800 (2900) power, 2.5 seconds cooldown, 0.77 (0.5) seconds swap time, standard melee modifiers in normal mode with 150% downswing modifier and 70% combo modifier in NT-D. These have the standard Federation swings in normal mode but have a unique moveset in NT-D.
Its first sub weapon is a head vulcan with 150 power, 40 ammo, 600 RPM, 11 seconds reload, 0.5 seconds swap, 200m range, 1500 DPS and 6% stagger value. These have insanely high power and stun potential for vulcans. They pair very well with your lock on Armed Armor attack for more damage and stun accumulation.
Its second sub weapon is a back beam cannon with 1200x2 (1500x2) power, 50% (80%) heat, 1 (4) seconds cooldown cooldown, 450m range, 18 seconds overheat and 35%x2 stagger value. These don't instant stagger in normal mode but have low heat and cooldown for continuous fire. In NT-D mode they change to regular instant stun cannons with high power. They have low ridigity which makes it easy to enter into melee from a stun.
Its third sub weapon is a lock on Armed Armor DE attack with 1000x2x3 (1000x2x4) power, 1 ammo, 300m (350m) range, 13 (10) seconds reload and 35%x2x3 (35%x2x4) stagger value. These lock on like funnels and send out high ballistic power shields with good stagger value to attack the enemy. They can be locked on while boosting as well. This is your huge damage nuking source and easily deletes raids, especially the Sinanju Stein.
In NT-D mode it gains access to a barrier version of Armed Armor DE with 100% heat and 25 seconds overheat. It is unknown how much HP this barrier has but this weapon deploys a shield around you that blocks all stuns, including melee, until it is destroyed or 10 seconds have passed. This allows you to easily gain the advantage in close range fights to stun them from behind your barrier.
In NT-D mode it also gains access to a tonfa melee weapon with 3500 power, 2 seconds cooldown, 0.33 seconds swap and 150% downswing modifier. This has insanely high power and is also easy to hit with a long range thrusting downswing.

The Phenex has 21000 HP, 30 ballistic resist, 32 beam resist and 16 melee resist. It has high ranged defences but its melee resist is rather low. This isn't an issue though since it has the slots to easily build 46 melee defence. You have Maneuver Armor in both modes but activating NT-D upgrades your Leg Buffer and Psycommu Weapon Buffer by one level, where they are LV1 and LV4 in normal mode respectively.
You also have 130 (135) walk speed, 220 (230) boost speed, 75 thrust and 69 (84) turning speed. Your mobility is a little below average in normal mode but NT-D mode makes you incredibly nimble. You have LV2 Forced Injector, Flight Control and Emergency Evasion in normal mode but NT-D increases these by one level each.
Its stand out skill is the NT-D Ability Boost which adds +25 ranged modifier, takes away -25 melee modifier and upgrades the suits stats, skills and weapons. This works much the same way as the other two Unicorns in that it slowly drains your HP while active. You can activate Awaken after a set amount of time in NT-D to restore 2000 of your own and allies HP, reduces damage taken by 15% and reduces shooting modifier by -55 and melee modifier by -5. This stops the HP drain of NT-D and buffs your defences but comes at the cost of shooting damage. This isn't an easy decision to make so its not always ideal to activate Awaken.

Overall I think that the Phenex is absurdly powerful. It has all the strengths of the Unicorn plus those of the Moon Gundam. It seems harder to play then both of them but in the hands of a skilled player it will be absolutely unstoppable. I can 100% recommend rolling for it if you have the tokens. Thanks for watching and I hope that you enjoyed it!

Music used:
Ace Combat 4, Megalith Agnus Dei
Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2, End of a Journey


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