Spinal Research supporters Shaun, Michelle, and Liam launch their challenge to Canoe the Zambezi.

Описание к видео Spinal Research supporters Shaun, Michelle, and Liam launch their challenge to Canoe the Zambezi.

Watch Shaun, Michelle, and Liam launch their Rolling Down the Zambezi challenge which will see them navigate 240km of the Zambezi in a canoe in October 2024.

As well as supporting Spinal Research and Whizz Kidz they are also aiming to set a Guinness World Record to become the first paraplegics to canoe 240km of the Zambezi River in six days. They will start at Chirundu, Zambia, and will finish at the Mozambique border.

Support their fundraising at gofundme.com/f/paraplegic-amputee-zambezi-canoe-trek



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