Ein Shekef and Nahal Zavitan (Zavitan Stream). Golan Heights, Israel

Описание к видео Ein Shekef and Nahal Zavitan (Zavitan Stream). Golan Heights, Israel

Ein Shekef and Nahal Zavitan (Zavitan Stream). Golan Heights, Israel
On the way to Nahal Zavitan in April, you can still admire the flowers that are typical for this season. But the herbs are already starting to dry out. A little off the road from Katzrin to Zavitan is the Ein Shekef spring, and along the way you can see the remains of ruined houses. this is what is left of the last war.
The stream bed is of volcanic origin. Basalt has the form of clear geometric shapes, which in Hebrew are called meshushim (hexagons).
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