Arifa at Ethno Jazz Festival - Moldova 2022

Описание к видео Arifa at Ethno Jazz Festival - Moldova 2022

Arifa at Ethno Jazz Festival - Moldova 2022

Zhivko Vasilev - kaval (Bulgaria)
Bence Huszar - cello (Hungary)
Franz von Chossy - piano (Germany)
Sjahin During - percussion (Turkey/Netherlands)

Arifa- “Danubian Voyage “
"A bridge of sounds between the Orient and Occident”

“Welcome on the next leg of Arifa’s ongoing journey with new musicians through the music of East and West”

The Danube is the second longest river in the European union, whose headwaters rise in Germany’s Black Forest and flows 2829 kilometers eastward through Central and Southeastern Europe to its mouth in the Black Sea. It has been used for centuries by such peoples as the ancient Greeks, Hungarians, Turks, Dacians, Germans, Slovaks, Croatians, Serbs, and Bulgarians.
For its latest project ‘Danubian Voyage’ Arifa aims to take on a new challenge, with Bence Huszar and Zhivko Vasilev as two new (but not unfamiliar) members which is why a combination has been chosen of such western classical instruments as piano and cello and from the Orient as kaval (Bulgarian shepherd’s flute) and Sjahin During’s special percussion set in that includes instruments from several continents.
The Arifa quartet builds a musical bridge spanning East and West. Ancient musical traditions from the Middle East and Balkan region are blended with jazz and contemporary improvised music. The group is based in Amsterdam, but the spirit of the quartet is truly international. Their secret lies in the creative chemistry between the musicians, who hail from Bulgaria, Hungary, Turkey, The Netherlands, and Germany. Their music is just as diverse as their origins, from traditional Turkish and Balkan sounds to jazz and contemporary music.

Arifa was founded by Sjahin During in 2010. Since then the group released 5 albums and have performed in 24 countries worldwide Since then the group have performed in 24 countries worldwide and 5 continents at international festivals and venues such as the Jazzahead, Concertgebouw, London Jazz Festival Southbank Centre, Kennedy Art Centre USA, Ethnoport Festival, Off Womex, Jarasum International Jazz Festival, Chicago World Music Festival, Amsterdam Roots, Bimhuis, Garana Jazz, Havana Jazz, Istanbul Akbank Festival, Shanghai World Music Festival, de Roma, Barbican’s Transcender Festival, Glatt & Verkehrt Festival, Ollin Kan Mexico, BBC Broadcasting House London. 

They have collaborated in the past with amazing artists as Aynur Doğan, Arto Tunçboyacıyan, Theodosii Spassov, Laka Khan, Alex Simu, Osama Abdulrasol, Mehmet Polat, Waed Bouhassoun, “Voices from the East” featuring Niusha Barimani, Meng Xiaoxu, Vanya Valkova, that resulted in concerts, recordings and tours. In 2020 Arifa released the EP Danubian Voyage, with four gorgeous new compositions.


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