Visiting Laura Ingalls Wilder's Rocky Ridge Farm

Описание к видео Visiting Laura Ingalls Wilder's Rocky Ridge Farm

On a dreary day in March of 2014 we took a road trip to Mansfield Missouri to visit the home of Laura Ingalls and Almanzo James Wilder. Laura called this place "Rocky Ridge Farm". The house and farm are open for visitors (for a fee of course), but for someone interested in LIW and the Little House series of books (and TV shows) it is worth the cost of admission.
Unfortunately the foundation which manages the property do not allow video or photography inside any of the buildings, so this video shows only the grounds.
We also visited the Rock House, where the Wilders lived from 1928 to 1936. At this location the tour guide talked to us outside of the house both before and after the formal tour. That discussion, which is included in this video, is quite interesting.

Yes, I do know that I said her husband's name wrong. I mis-spoke. Get over it ladies! It was a mistake! I can't go back and change the video after the fact. This whole trip was because my wife is a big LIW fan, I had never read the books nor watched the TV show. I had never heard of this Almonzo (or Alfonzo, or "Gonzo", or "hey-stupid", or what ever else she may have called him) character before. So don't get your undies tied into a bundle because I mis-spoke some stupid guys name.

In July of 2013 we visited Peppin WI, Walnut Grove MN, and DeSmet SD, sites from Laura's child hood, and the sites of many of her books. The video of that visit may be seen at:    • Following the Trail of Laura Ingalls ...  


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