How should local councils deal with a meth lab in their community?

Описание к видео How should local councils deal with a meth lab in their community?

As an environmental health officer with a local council, it can be a daunting task when you get a call notifying you that a clandestine drug lab has been found in your area. Who do I call? What do I do? What needs to be done? Is the property safe?

Luke Mitton, Environmental Health Officer for Horsham Rural City Council presented at the Jena Dyco Meth Lab Cleanup 2011 Conference on that very topic.

Luke was contacted by the police in 2008 and told that there was a clandestine drug lab in Horsham that needed to be cleaned up. As a novice, Luke had to become a quick learner to ensure that the property was restored to a state that was fit for habitation.

In this presentation, Luke talks about the council's role in the clean up of meth labs, focusing in particular on the situation in Australia. He looks at the partnership and cooperation with the state government and police and assess whether the new Australian Remediation of Clandestine Lab Residues Guidelines could have helped how he dealt with the situation in 2008.

To purchase the entire Meth Lab Cleanup Conference 2011 DVD please go to

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