温泉旅館跡と荒廃登山道の先の修行場だったらしい洞穴群、矢坪(やつぼ)、達磨堂探索 上田市真田町傍陽(そえひ)~真田町長(おさ)

Описание к видео 温泉旅館跡と荒廃登山道の先の修行場だったらしい洞穴群、矢坪(やつぼ)、達磨堂探索 上田市真田町傍陽(そえひ)~真田町長(おさ)

A group of caves that seems to have been a training ground at the end of the ruins of a hot spring inn and a ruined mountain trail, Exploring "Yatsubo", "Dharma Hall", Ueda City Sanada Town Soehi ~ Sanada Town Osa.
Explore Date: November 22, 2023.


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