Looney Tunables Linux Privesc CVE-2023-4911 Attack Simulation & Mitigation with Picus

Описание к видео Looney Tunables Linux Privesc CVE-2023-4911 Attack Simulation & Mitigation with Picus

CVE-2023-4911 is a buffer overflow vulnerability found in GNU C Library's dynamic loader and has a CVSS score of 7.8 (High). Adversaries may gain full root privileges in Fedora, Ubuntu, and Debian systems when they exploit the CVE-2023-4911 vulnerability.

In this video, we demonstrate how quick and easy it is to test your security controls against the Looney Tunables CVE-2023-4911 vulnerability with the Picus Platform. By simulating the vulnerability, as well as other variants like DirtyPipe, StackRot, and PwnKit, you can test your defenses within minutes.

Learn more about Looney Tunables and how Picus can help. Start your 14-day free trial now: https://discover.picussecurity.com/st...


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