Polintek Stop Leak Application on Water Tank at Coca Cola Amatil-Bandung

Описание к видео Polintek Stop Leak Application on Water Tank at Coca Cola Amatil-Bandung

Darta Technology's applicator team repaired the water tank of Coca Cola Amatil Indonesia in Bandung.

Some stages are done like cleaning the surface, stop the leak using Polintek Stop Leak, and tied up with rubber band to hold the product while curing. The result, water tank back to normal.

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member of Darta Corportaion (www.darta.co.id)


Tim aplikator Darta Technology melakukan perbaikan pada water tank milik Coca Cola Amatil Indonesia di Bandung.

Beberapa tahapan yang dilakukan, yaitu cleaning the surface, stop the leak using Polintek Stop Leak, and tied up with rubber band to hold the product while curing. Hasilnya, water tank kembali normal.


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