导演吴熙谈《铸剑》 (M1华文小剧场节)Director Wu Xi talks about Casting Sword (M1 Chinese Theatre Festival)

Описание к видео 导演吴熙谈《铸剑》 (M1华文小剧场节)Director Wu Xi talks about Casting Sword (M1 Chinese Theatre Festival)




日期: 17 -- 20.07.2014
地点: 灵活表演空间,拉萨尔艺术学院
票价: $38 (未含SISTIC 手续费 )


A story passed down from more than 2,000 years ago, a legend told from the plains of the Yangtze River.

As Mei Jian Chi came of age, he was handed a precious sword by his mother. With it, he learned the origin of the sword, which prompted him to take vengeance on the Emperor.

Old Tales Retold: Casting Sword was Wu Xi's first devised play in 1998. This year, Wu Xi returns to Lu Xun's popular fable and creates a unique and new devised piece which blends theatre, dance, multimedia, and folk music into one riveting performance.

Casting Sword is one of the plays presented under the M1 Chinese Theatre Festival 2014. Happening from 26 June to 20 July, the Festival features 6 compelling original theatrical productions catered for audiences of all ages. For information on other shows, please visit http://en.practice.org.sg/m1ctf2014/

Date: 17 -- 20.07.2014
Venue: Flexible Performance Space, LASALLE College of the Arts
Tickets: $38 (Excludes SISTIC fee)
Performed in Mandarin with English surtitles.

Video credits: Koon Soeng Tong (ShenZhen)

Hotline: 6348 5555 | www.sistic.com.sg

www.practice.org.sg | blog.omy.sg/ttp


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