Tour at the highest point of The Netherlands Vaals 3 border region

Описание к видео Tour at the highest point of The Netherlands Vaals 3 border region

The Vaalserberg ("Mount Vaals") is a hill 322.7 metres (1,059 ft) in height and the highest point in the European part of the Netherlands.

00:00:00 Starting near the Sint Paulus church
00:00:14 Borderline Germany
00:00:30 Nice drone view of Vaals
00:02:55 Forest to the Boudewijn tower
00:03:35 Lay down and listen to the sounds of the forest
00:03:47 Bikerpark
00:04:02 Boudewijn Tower at Three country point
00:04:59 Pittoresk downtown

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The Vaalserberg is located in the province of Limburg, at the south-easternmost edge of the country in the municipality of Vaals, near the eponymous town, some three kilometres west of Aachen.
The Vaalserberg is also the location of the tripoint between Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands and its summit is therefore referred to as Drielandenpunt ("Three-Country Point") in Dutch, or Dreiländereck ("Three-Country Corner") in German, or Trois Frontières ("Three Borders") in French.

Between 1830 and 1919, the summit briefly was a quadripoint, bordering also Neutral Moresnet.
(1) Dutch Province of Limburg
(2) Belgian (previously Dutch) Province of Liège
(3) Neutral Moresnet
(4) Prussian Rhine Province

The current Belgian-German-border is not the same as the former eastern border of Moresnet with Prussia; it lies a little more to the east. Therefore, five different borders came together at this point, however never more than four at one time - except possibly for the period 1917-1920, when the border situation was unclear and disputed.

This border intersection has made the Vaalserberg a well-known tourist attraction in the Netherlands with a tower on the Belgian side (Dutch: Boudewijntoren; French: Tour Baudouin) offering a grand panorama of the surrounding landscape. This tidy and urbanised development stands in marked contrast to the rough cinder parking area that makes up the Belgium sector and the wooded nature reserve on the German side.

For a full route see:
Walking from the border to the Vaalserberg through the forest. At the time there was also a little funfare downtown.

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