Subtle Thrill - Gouge Away (SKA-CORE COVER)

Описание к видео Subtle Thrill - Gouge Away (SKA-CORE COVER)

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Skatune Network: Inspirations playlist
Like what you hear? Don't you wish more ska bands had the sound I create! Good news for you, they do! Each cover I base the sound off ska I listen to regularly, and you can hear all the bands that inspire me on this spotify playlist i created!

Check out my Actual Ska band, We Are The Union (We are on spotify, bandcamp, itunes, youtube, and pretty much most streaming sites) Our new record entitled "Self Care" NOW STREAMING literally everywhere

Art by Mars Gearhart @MarsGArt on Instagram and Twitter
Outro animation by Gencci Vata IG: @Genc_animation Twitter @genc____


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