Спиливание 100-летнего баньяна, поваленного штормом. Все принимают участие в уборке.

Описание к видео Спиливание 100-летнего баньяна, поваленного штормом. Все принимают участие в уборке.

Cutting down a 100-year-old banyan tree knocked down by a storm - Everyone joins in cleaning up
Today we are helping people cut down the banyan tree that was knocked down by storm YAGI. This banyan tree is hundreds of years old and was planted by the ancients. According to Vietnamese customs, banyan trees, wells, and communal houses are long-standing customs that have been passed down and preserved the national identity until now. That is why we and everyone could not completely cut down this hundred-year-old banyan tree. Therefore, we cut the branches, then used a crane to scoop up the soil under the tree, then lifted the tree upright as before and filled the soil back up to the base of the tree. Everyone responded enthusiastically and wholeheartedly to help us do the job of pruning the banyan tree and then reviving the banyan tree to make it come back.
What do you think about this?
#cleanup #overgrown #cutting #cuttingdown #transformation #cleaning #cuttrees
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