Moving from Definitions to Action in OD: A Conversation with Chris Worley

Описание к видео Moving from Definitions to Action in OD: A Conversation with Chris Worley

This is the 23rd video produced in the ‘Just in Case…’ mini-series sponsored by Quality and Equality. In this video we are joined by Chris Worley, the research professor of management at Pepperdine University’s business school. Prior to his current positions, he was a Professor of Strategy at the NEOMA Business School in France and Director of the Master of Science in Organization (MSOD) program at Pepperdine University. He served as past chair for the Academy of Management’s Organization Development and Change Division. Chris has authored or co-authored numerous books, chapters, and articles. His most recent books include Becoming Agile, The Agility Factor, Assessing Organization Agility, Management Reset, and Built to Change. Today, Chris explains clearly and succinctly what OD is, what common ground is shared between the different definitions of the field, what the values of OD are, and what the role of OD practitioners is. His distilled version defining the field is needed badly to unite us for action as there has never been a time like this where OD values, thinking, approaches and interventions are needed to maintain civil society and organisations.

Articles, Books, and Resources

• Worley, C. (2020). The COVID economy: Agile businesses have the upper hand. CSQ, June 15, .
• Worley, C. and Jules, C. (2020). COVID-19’s Uncomfortable Revelations About Agile and Sustainable Organizations in a VUCA World. Journal of applied behavioral science,
• Worley, C., Rhodes, K, Shaver, J. and Feyerherm, A. (2020). A cold, hard look in the mirror. Pepperdine business blog, 19 June,
• Worley, C. and Jules, C. (2020). Changing Perspectives; Changing Views: COVID and Agile Organizations,
• Worley, C. (2020). Four key processes for developing advanced change capabilities.


Chris Worley is the Research Professor of Management at Pepperdine University’s Graziadio School of Business. He is also an affiliate researchers at USC’s Center for Effective Organizations. He is a recognized leader in the field of organization development. Prior to his current positions, he was a Professor of Strategy at the NEOMA Business School in France and Director of the Master of Science in Organization (MSOD) program at Pepperdine University. He served as past chair for the Academy of Management’s Organization Development and Change Division.

Chris has authored or co-authored numerous books, chapters, and articles. His most recent books include Becoming Agile, The Agility Factor, Assessing Organization Agility, Management Reset, and Built to Change. In addition, he is series editor (with Sue Mohrman and Rami Shani) of Organizing for Sustainable Effectiveness that explores the organization design implications of environmental and social sustainability. With Tom Cummings, he has co-authored seven editions of Organization Development and Change, the leading textbook in the field. His articles on strategic change and organization design have appeared in the Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, the Sloan Management Review, Organizational Dynamics, and the Journal of Organization Behavior, among others. He was awarded the Larry Porter Communicating OD Knowledge Award by the ODNetwork in 2011, the Emerald Literati Network Outstanding Author Award in 2011, and the 2011 Douglas McGregor Memorial Award for the Best Paper in the Journal of Applied Behavioral Science. He has made presentations to scholarly and practitioner associations such as the Academy of Management, OD Network, Organization Design Forum (US and Europe), and the Conference Boards of the U.S. and Canada.

Chris’s consulting clients include organizations in high technology, health care, energy, financial services, fast-moving consumer goods, the public sector, and natural resources. The primary focus of his efforts has been on the development of agile capabilities, strategy implementation, organization design, and organization development.

Chris received his Ph.D. in strategic management from the University of Southern California, an M.S. in organization development from Pepperdine University, an M.S. in environmental psychology from Colorado State University, and a B.S. from Westminster College. He is a member of the Academy of Management, the Organization Development Network, the European Organization Design Forum, and the National Training Laboratories (NTL).

Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @TheAgileOrg


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