Ashabul aika ka waqia |Hazrat Shoaib ki Quam per Allah Ka Azab | QUAM E Madiyan | Islamic Stories

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Ashabul aika ka waqia |Hazrat Shoaib ki Quam per Allah Ka Azab | QUAM E Madiyan | Islamic Stories

This is the story of Prophet shoaib as mentioned in Quran many times in several surahs. Prophet Shoaib as was sent to preach the people of madyan,which is located in the present-day Tabuk area to guide them to the right path.The people of Madyan and dwellers of the wood used to commit sins and did not repent of them. They got involved in unethical activities like robbery, improper measurement while selling goods, and causing trouble to others. Hazrat Shoaib said: O my people! Give full measure and weigh with justice. Do not defraud people of their property, nor go about spreading corruption in the land.
The arrogant chiefs of his people threatened, "O Shư'aib! We will certainly expel you and your fellow believers from our land unless you
return to our faith. Allah asked Hazrat Shoaib to leave the Madyan area along with his believing followers. Prophet Shoaib as turned away from them, saying, "0 my people! Indeed, I have delivered to you the messages of my Lord and given you sincere' advice. How can I then grieve
for those who chose to dishelieve?"
It is said that Allah stopped the wind in that area for 7 days and out of extremely hot temperatures, they went to a nearby Jungle. Allah sent a cloud
and they felt relaxed under its shadow. After that, there was a big blast followed by an earthquake and a rain of fire from the sky. The mighty blast overtook the wrongdoers, so they fell lifeless in
their homes as if they had never lived there. Then an overwhelming earthquake struck them and they fell lifeless in their homes.
Allah sent 124000 Massengers but in Quran the names of 26 prophets are mentioned, these names are as below

1. Adam as (Adam) آدم pl Hazrat Adam A.S
2. Idris as (Enoch) ادریس ļ Hazrat ldrees A.S
3. Noah as (Nuh) نوح si Hazrat Noah A.S
4. Hud as (Hud) ہود ga Hazrat Hud A.S
5. Shaleh as (Saleh) صالح o Hazrat Saleh A.S
6. Ibrahim as (Abraham)ابراہیم l Hazrat Ibraheem A.S
7. Lut as (Lot)لوط bg Hazrat Loot A.S
8. Ismail as (Ishmael)اسماعیل Jacla! Hazrat Ismail A.S
9. Ishag as (Issac) اسحاق luļ Hazrat Ishaq A.S
10. Yaqub as (Jacob) یعقوب gäy Hazrat Yaqoob A.S
11. Yusuf as (Joseph) یوسف au Hazrat Yousaf A.S
12. Ayyub as (Job) ایوب l Hazrat Ayub A.S
13. Shu'aib as (Jethro)شعیب e Hazrat Shoaib A.S
14. Musa as (Moses)موسیٰ go Hazrat Musa A.S
15. Harun as (Aaron) ہارون Hazrat Haroon A.S
16. Dzulkifli as (Ezekiel)ذوالکفل Jasl gi Hazrat Zulkifal A.S
17. Dawud as (David) داؤد gls Hazrat Daood A.S
18. Sulaiman as (Soloman)سلیمان la Hazrat Suleman A.S
19. Ilyas as (Elijah)الیاس W| Hazrat llyas A.S
20. Alyas'a as (Elisha) l
21. Yunus as (Jonah) یونسu Hazrat Younas A.S
22. Zakaria as (Zachariah) زکریا Si Hazrat Zakria A.S
23. Yahya as (John) یحییٰ Hazrat Yahya A.S
24. Isa as (Jesus) عیسی yt Hazrat Essa AS
25. Muhammad saw sass Hazrat Muhammad S.A.W
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