FIXED - Epic Games Not Sending 2FA Verification Emails OR ANY Emails

Описание к видео FIXED - Epic Games Not Sending 2FA Verification Emails OR ANY Emails

Have you tried to get into epic games but you are not getting any emails? Even your support emails are not being sent to your e-mail address. Have you tried to reach out and are your just waiting for an answer? Have you put the wrong birthdate in when prompted? Here was my solution.

IMPORTANT: Check Spam File and Wait at least 10 minutes for the verification email

1. I changed my password - got password reset e-mail sent to me (other emails not coming through)
2. Logged into via the epic account option
3. Bought 1000 vbucks successfully
4. Tried to login again - verification was actually sent this time
SAVED all info under my account to prevent this for happening again.


Информация по комментариям в разработке