Twisted Metal 2: World Tour - Tournament w/ Mr. Grimm (HARD)

Описание к видео Twisted Metal 2: World Tour - Tournament w/ Mr. Grimm (HARD)

Emulated with Duckstation
Recorded with FRAPS
Controller (EasySMX Wired)

Very surprised with the time in all honesty. I was expecting to have a low 34min run, but everything went decent enough although this game is a bit RNG based (without it, it would become stale much quicker than it already can be at times) although to be fair after seeing online Multiplayer for the PC Port, it's very potent in multiplayer.

Los Angeles:
Rough start, but I managed to kill everyone in a timely fashion. Biggest problem was leaving the Arena with no remote bombs.

I got lucky Shadow didn't take the Health up top, and the fact that it respawned or I would've been dead on arrival. Spectre should be banned from this map as an AI.

Smooth run. I don't know what crack Sweet Tooth was smokin'. My normal strategy is to go into the Cathedral where the Mona Lisa portrait is, and camp, but that sometimes takes too damn long or Spectre or Outlaw kill you.

Bad start with a wasted Remote Bomb, and I somehow missed an easy Soul Snatch on Axel. Everything else went pretty well including the Minion fight.

New York:
Could've been faster if I didn't play passively, but I'm lucky if I ever make it this far so I said fuck it, just be patient because something is bound to go completely wrong when you want to bullhorn this map. It's a luck draw with the AI and ricochet trick if you want a fast time.

Like New York, the ricochet trick does save time if the AI cooperate, and not pussyfoot around or just randomly slam into each other on the main platform. Could've had better ammo management towards the end of this Arena, but overall I'm pretty satisfied.

Death Incarnate (I mean Holland):
I didn't die, and the AI didn't blow up the Windmill with the full health spawn within the first 30sec of the fight so I got lucky. I still don't understand why the developers put a full HP item in an easily destructible windmill, and for a map that's supposed to be a big ass free for all with chaos everywhere against 9 opponents they didn't leave enough ammunition. Again, fuck you Holland.

Hong Kong:
I can't make a remotely objective comment here since I normally never make it this far for a deathless run, but I'd say I did pretty good aside from fumbling the remote bomb in the sewer section and not making any shots. I was too burnt out to get nervous about dying here, and it paid off.

Dark Tooth:
Get him to the Sewer section after you pick up remote bombs, and napalm, and spam the shit out of him. How the final boss is one of the easiest AI in the game is beyond me. Granted when most of us first saw Dark Tooth, we ran the hell away which is counter intuitive.


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