2025 Personal Predictions and Ascension Symptoms

Описание к видео 2025 Personal Predictions and Ascension Symptoms

Happy New Year 2025 !
This year is the time to find your authentic self. To step into its power and build your new reality upon it. Be the light amid the darkness. Whatever your darkness may be...shine on!
In 2024, the truth was revealed, and you now see what is asking to be healed. Don't hide, stuff it down, turn away, ignore, cope, numb, etc. anymore. DO what needs to be DONE.
When you ask your Guides for help, they will bring options. Be observant. Be ready to change. Be confident in yourself.
Set New Healthy Boundaries.
This will make room for more self-care time. Establish self-care that is ideal for you.
The environment around you will affect your DNA. So, make choices that support the higher vibes you need in order to thrive. Be willing to create new blueprints for your cells. Regardless of what you may be told from outside forces, seek your truth within your heart and trust your path forward.
When the matrix is shifting, know that what will transpire is to heal. Allow the old to dismantle. Allow the truth to be seen. Discern, discern, discern from the heart!
You are able to make the changes that will help you to be neutral/harmony. It's a choice. Choose to choose your response. Let go of the default desire to react. Vibe higher in your consciousness and lead from your heart.
Many Blessings, Jackie Lea

*This is my last content on YT. My Guides have suggested that I shift from social media platforms that do not support the new earth ethics. There are lots of frequencies and sound waves that can harm humanity, and these platforms use them for their own agendas. They can create confusion, anger, disempowerment, and self-sabotage within yourself. So, if you spend a lot of time on these platforms, please be mindful if you begin to react in these ways. You may have absorbed a frequency that needs to be uninstalled. I will continue to seek new platforms that are higher vibrational with love and authenticity to continue my teachings and channels. For now, you can always find me through my website. www.clearvibration.com


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