Wing Chun Wooden Dummy - Part 2

Описание к видео Wing Chun Wooden Dummy - Part 2

The Wooden Dummy is the heart and soul of Wing Chun. Not only is it really cool (there’s nothing else quite like it) but it provides the Wing Chun fighter a master course in actually applying the material from the three empty hand forms, Siu Lim Tao, Chum Kiu and Biu Jee. In this installment, Sifu Jason Korol begins breaking down section 2 of the Ip Man lineage Wooden Dummy form.
^^^^^ Be sure to grab the WING CHUN WOODEN DUMMY BOOK ^^^^^
Each section and action is meticulously broken down for you so you won't waste your time rehearsing techniques you don't understand. Lastly, you’ll also get an informative and entertaining historical overview of both Wing Chun as a whole and the Mook Jong too so that you understand where everything fits into the modern era.
^^^ WING CHUN and JEET KUNE DO BOOKS by Sifu Jason ^^^
^^^ Check out our ONLINE WING CHUN and JEET KUNE DO TRAINING with Teachable^^^
^^^ In the Greenville, SC area? Drop by to meet and TRAIN WITH US ^^^

Greenville Academy of Martial Arts
872 Woodruff Rd. Greenville, SC 29607


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