Planet Dinosaur Large Theropod sounds

Описание к видео Planet Dinosaur Large Theropod sounds

Hi guys, I'm back after a tired week of school exams but the Sporepedia is still broken (so I'm not sharing creations at that moment). I'm going to work on the next episode of Spore Dino Showcase but I need sounds for the 'star' in the next episode (Dryptosaurus). Yes I know, these sounds from Planet Dinosaur are cool but were used too much in every large theropod from the documentary you see in the video. The sounds here are the most commonly used in the documentary but some of them I combined to make it sound like the rare vocalizations from the Planet Dinosaur theropods. Oh well it's just a short one and the best I could do to provide you all the sound effects.

Credit to BBC, Cryolophofan2010, AlexTriceratops123, Entersandman1001, SuperFredrikNilsson and most of all TwinsanityUniverse for the sound effects; sadly the latter isn't here anymore. No offence! I needed it for my Dino Showcase!


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