【Wacky 钓组】一根Senko走天下(下):史上最丑最具挑逗大嘴钓组Wacky Senko! The Ugliest but Most Tempting Rig for bass fishing!

Описание к видео 【Wacky 钓组】一根Senko走天下(下):史上最丑最具挑逗大嘴钓组Wacky Senko! The Ugliest but Most Tempting Rig for bass fishing!

Wacky Rig, the Ugliest but most effective, attractive and tempting presentation for bass catching. You will find the best wacky rigging tips for weightless, weighted , football jig head or drop shot. Meanwhile, you will find ways to reduce tearing the senko and save the senkos. This video also shared with you the experience in choosing rod, reel, line, hooks and senko for Wacky fishing! Enjoy it!

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