SHAMI KABAB RECIPE | how to make and freeze shami kabab for long time Eid special tahir m

Описание к видео SHAMI KABAB RECIPE | how to make and freeze shami kabab for long time Eid special tahir m

Hello guys note 1 kg shami kabab recipe for home cooking.

Step 1 cook to meat and Channa Daal with all spices
40 to 45 minutes.

Beef/mutton 600g
Lentil bengal 350g
Water 500ml
Salt to taste 1/2 tbl spn
Red chilli powder 1 tea spn
Dry round chilli 5
Green chilli 3
Garlic 5 cloves
Ginger 1 inch pecs
Coriander powder 1/2 tbl spn
Turmeric 1 tea spn
Cumin 1 tbl spn

Step 2
Grand or crushed all cooked material and add
Egg 1
Green coriander leaves 3 tbl spn
And make same size kabab and fry in deep oil or ghee.

Make this traditional shami kabab at home on Bakra Eid and enjoy with your beloved family and remember us in your pray.

Tahir Mehmood Food Secrets



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