Mixing Drums - Dynamics - Isolating (and Emphasizing) the Bottom Snare Drum Mic

Описание к видео Mixing Drums - Dynamics - Isolating (and Emphasizing) the Bottom Snare Drum Mic

This is the 4th in a series of videos where I demonstrate techniques for processing drum tracks for mixing. In this video I use a compressor to accentuate the delicate snare response from the bottom mic of a snare drum and then another compressor with sidechaining to isolate it. All plug-ins used in these videos come standard with any ProTools system -- no magical devices here. I'm mixing this with ProTools 8 LE on my MacBook. Anyone should be able to duplicate these techniques with common processors. If you're a fan of recording and mixing please check out my blog at http://joelsmixup.blogspot.com/


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