Who is Real Ajay Kedia and Pranav Seth | Scam 1992

Описание к видео Who is Real Ajay Kedia and Pranav Seth | Scam 1992

The character Ajay Kedia in real life is based on the life of Ajay Kayan. On the other hand, the character of Pranav Seth seems to be related to Pallav Seth. However, people are confusing it with real-life Ketan Parekh.

So, in this video, we are going to clear your doubt and put some light on the characters of Ajay Kedia and Pranav Seth portrayed in the web series- Scam 1992.

Until now, we have discussed a lot about Harshad Mehta, Sucheta Dalal, Manu Manek, and Scam 1992. Now, it's time we must talk about another two most crucial roles portrayed as Mr. Ajay Kedia and Pranav Seth. Many of you have been thinking that the role of Ajay Kedia is that of Mr. Vijay Kedia which isn't true.

0:14 - About Ajay Kedia's Character
0:26 - Who is Ajay Kayan
2:03 - Scam of 1992, Ajay Kayan exposed
2:31 - About Pranav Seth
2:47 - Pallav Seth

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