桌游崽儿 【星际探险队 - 第九行星任务】 开箱+规则详解 Board Game Dude The Crew The Quest for Planet Nine Unbox + How to Play

Описание к видео 桌游崽儿 【星际探险队 - 第九行星任务】 开箱+规则详解 Board Game Dude The Crew The Quest for Planet Nine Unbox + How to Play

桌游崽儿 【星际探险队 - 第九行星任务】桌游开箱+规则详解。

Board Game Dude The Crew The Quest for Planet Nine Unboxing + Learn to Play.
This is an easy to learn cooperative board game for 2-5 players. Suggested age 10 and up, about 20mins per game, suitable for current fast-pace lifestyle.
Everyone acts as an astronaut, try to find the mysterious ninth planet in solar system. However, due to the vacuum environment in the space, communication becomes difficult. The only possible way to use radio...
There are total 50 independent missions, progressing with increasing difficulty. Are you dare to accomplish all of them?


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