The Yellow Turban Rebellion | DOCUMENTARY

Описание к видео The Yellow Turban Rebellion | DOCUMENTARY

It's 184AD - A devastating flood that causes mass famine. An Imperial court paralyzed by corruption and deceit. With no one willing to help the people, the Emperor has clearly lost the Mandate of Heaven, and something needs to be done about it. As the country descends into rebellion, who will rise up to fight on both sides?

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This video was created in coordination with, but not sponsored by, Creative Assembly's Mandate of Heaven DLC for Total War: Three Kingdoms. You can purchase this DLC via Gamesplanet with the pomo code MOH5 to get 19% off, bringing it down to £6.45 or $8.07.

Use the link below to grab it today:

Production Credits:
Voiceover, Animation & Editing: Havoc
Script: Cody Bonds

Solemn - Bonnie Grace
Xin Li And The Concubine
I Will Be Your Knight - Jo Wandrini
You Can See Us From The Moon - Christian Andersen
Sciophobia - Jo Wandrini


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The Yellow Turban Rebellion | DOCUMENTARY
   • The Yellow Turban Rebellion | DOCUMEN...  

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