The Great Asmongold & Olympus DRAMA SUPERCUT - Classic WoW Highlights #10

Описание к видео The Great Asmongold & Olympus DRAMA SUPERCUT - Classic WoW Highlights #10

ALL THE CLASSIC DRAMA IN ONE FINAL VIDEO! A lot has happened since the release of Classic World of Warcraft, from the inception of the Olympus guild, to the chronicles of the emperor Jigsaw/Jigzaw, the Disposing of the Devilsaur and Gold Selling Mafia by Advertise Shadow Priest, the ninja looting saga of Royson and Quin and much much more...

Mcconnell:   / mcconnellret  

Advertise Shadow Priest:    / @advertiseshadowpriest2402  

Royson:   / roysontv  

Quin:   / quin69  

Asmongold's Twitch:   / asmongold  
Asmongold's Twitter:   / asmongold  

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