Mehari Ogbamichael, 1968 and 1972 Olympian Cyclist ኦሎምፒካዊ ተቐዳዳማይ ብሽክለታ መሓሪ ዑቑባሚካኤል

Описание к видео Mehari Ogbamichael, 1968 and 1972 Olympian Cyclist ኦሎምፒካዊ ተቐዳዳማይ ብሽክለታ መሓሪ ዑቑባሚካኤል

Veteran cyclist Mehari Ogbamichael (መሓሪ ዑቑባንችኤል) was one of the top cyclists of the 1960 and 1970s. Mehari developed passion for cycling at early age by observing other cyclists, but also his older brother, Tadesse, who was also one of the top cyclists of the early 1960s until a back injury forced him into early retirement from the sport. Mehari is a 2 time, Eritrean cycling olympian: first at the XIX Olympiad in México City, México, in1968 (with Fessehazion Gebreyesus, Salimbeni Carmelo, Tekeste Woldu-Gigante and Yemane Negassi) and for his second at the XX Olympiad in Munich, Germany in 1972 (with Fessehazion Gebreyesus, Russom Ghebremeskel, Sulieman Abdulrahman, and Tekeste Woldu-Gigante ). Mehari joined the Eritrean Struggle for independence (with the Eritrean Liberation Front) in 1974 along with his cycling colleagues: Abraham Tesfazghi, Fessehazion Gebreyesus, Ghirmay Simon, Habtay Niguse, Mehari Ogbamichael, Tesfalidet Haylom, and Tesfazion Abraha to liberate his country; he know resides in the Germany.

#Eritrea #UCI #Cycling #ኤርትራ #Mehari #ቅድድም #ብሽለክታ #Salimbeni #Fessehazion #Gigante #Beyene #Tesfalidet #Eritrean


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