Bay.Area.AI: vLLM Project Update, Zhuohan Li, Woosuk Kwon

Описание к видео Bay.Area.AI: vLLM Project Update, Zhuohan Li, Woosuk Kwon

vLLM Project Update, Zhuohan Li, Woosuk Kwon, UC Berkeley
In this talk, the maintainers of the vLLM project will give an overview of the vLLM project, the progress made over the last few months, and preview roadmaps. The talk will be technical and dive into interesting details of vLLM's codebase.

Zhuohan Li is a CS PhD student at UC Berkeley, where he is advised by Professor Ion Stoica. He is interested in designing and building efficient machine learning systems. Recently, he has been focusing on the training and serving of large models, specifically LLMs. His works include Alpa, AlpaServe, Vicuna, and vLLM (PagedAttention). He completed his BS at Peking University and has interned at Microsoft Research, Anyscale, and Google Brain.

Woosuk Kwon is a CS PhD student at UC Berkeley, where he is advised by Prof. Ion Stoica. His research interest lies in building practical, flexible, and high-performance software systems for emerging applications such as large language models. He completed his BS at Seoul National University.


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