How to play the Tambourine - Thumb Roll & Finger Rolls

Описание к видео How to play the Tambourine - Thumb Roll & Finger Rolls

In this video, we look at the magic solution for thumb rolls and finger rolls. No, just kidding, there are no magic solutions, if you understand how the technique works, anyone can do it. If you have questions, feel free to post them here below, I hope this video helps you and the other tutorial videos about Tambourine and other percussion instruments you can find on:


Learn to play the Tambourine like a pro: The full Tambourine Tutorial Series consists of +20 techniques in 5 videos:

1. Basic techniques
2. Fast-playing techniques
3. Thumb roll & Finger rolls
4. Shake rolls & extend techniques
5. Tambourines from all over the world


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