US and French troops, Guy Phillipe at rebel HQ

Описание к видео US and French troops, Guy Phillipe at rebel HQ

(3 Mar 2004)
March 3
1. US troops outside US ambassador's residence
2. Various troops
3. Car carrying rebel leader Guy Phillipe arrives
4. Philippe getting out of car, soldier tells cameras to stop filming
5. SOUNDBITE (English) Guy Phillipe, Rebel leader:
"I have a meeting with somebody here, I don't know."
6. Rebels with US Marines
7. SOUNDBITE (English) Guy Philippe, Rebel leader:
"I don't know, I'll tell you after. (Q: You have a meeting here?) I have a meeting here." (Q: For what?) I don't know."
8. Philippe gets into car and it drives past troops at entrance
March 2
9. American cargo plane in air
10. Zoom into C130 on tarmac (bringing personnel, soldiers and equipment)
11. Equipment being rolled out
12. Troops waiting
13. Troops walking by vehicles
14. Another plane - global peace plane with humanitarian aid sitting on the tarmac
15. Interior of plane loaded with foodstuffs
16. Various US troops unloading plane and putting cargo on truck
March 3
17. French troops at airport
18. Various French troops aboard tank
19. E. Dinh, French public relations officer talking
20. SOUNDBITE (French) E. Dinh, French Public Relations Officer:
"U-S Marines and French troops will protect together, we will work together. We are here to work with the U-S, and we are going to protect the National Palace."
21. French troops in back of truck
22. Truck driving away
23. Wide of National Palace, with US and French troops standing guard
24. Various French troops on patrol
25. Close of US soldier at entrance to National Palace
26. Military truck
27. Rebels including leader Guy Philippe coming out of downtown hotel
March 2, 2004
28. Wide of presidential palace with people standing in front, looking at the palace
29. People outside palace
30. Raising of the Haitian flag ceremony at the presidential palace
31. Various of palace guard
32. Haitian flag flying above presidential palace
33. Rebel soldiers standing around in the streets
34. Rebels eating in street
35. Various people in street
Haitian Rebel leader Guy Philippe, who declared himself "the military chief" the day before, on Wednesday met briefly with US Ambassador James Foley.
Arriving in an all-terrain vehicle at the ambassador's residence, Philippe, his deputy Gilbert Dragon and three other rebels
spoke briefly with Marines before being let through.
After 15-20 minutes, the rebels emerged and left without comment.
American and French troops in Haiti - the vanguard of an international peacekeeping force authorised by the UN Security Council - have no orders to disarm Haiti's factions.
But a spokesman for the French contingent said French troops would work together with US troops to protect national institutions such as the presidential palace.
France said it would have some 420 soldiers and police in place by the end of the week.
The Pentagon said there would be some 400 Marines in Haiti by Tuesday.
Chile said it was sending 120 special forces to Haiti on Wednesday, the first of about 300.
US Marines helped unload planes carrying aid which also arrived at Port-au-Prince airport on Wednesday.

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