以肉眼分辨真假翡翠的四個重點 | Four key points to distinguish natural and treated jade with the naked eye

Описание к видео 以肉眼分辨真假翡翠的四個重點 | Four key points to distinguish natural and treated jade with the naked eye

以肉眼分辨真假翡翠的四個重點 | Four key points to distinguish natural and treated jade with the naked eye

How to find out if jadeite is natural or treated?

1. Treated jadeite with polymer will show strong fluorescence. Natural Type A jadeite will show faint fluorescence only.
Polymer 塑膠在紫外光燈底下的螢光反應會很大. 如用紫外光燈照射 B+C 貨,會看到它們非常光亮

2. Jadeite with added colors will look dark or black under fluorescent light.
第二點,許多到時候它們都加了顏色. 這些顏料在紫外燈下看到很黑很沈

3. Treated B and C jadeite will also have obvious bubbles. However, natural Type A jadeite occasionally might also have natural-forming bubbles. Both bubbles are different, as Type A is natural occurring.
第三點,在注膠的過程中, 很多時候會有空氣. 所以,很容易在 B+C 貨內發現氣泡. 但我要強調, 有時候 天然的翡翠裡面也有可能有氣泡. 但那是自然結構, 跟人工化學處理所產生的氣泡是完全兩回事

4. Treated jadeite colors will fade over time, or if exposed to sunshine for a prolonged period of time.
第四點就是顏色. B+C 貨注入的都是人工化學顏料, 所以看起來非常不自然. 而且日子久了, 這些顏色都會退掉

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