Helseth's Champion - Main Quest Walkthrough (TES III Morrowind: Tribunal)

Описание к видео Helseth's Champion - Main Quest Walkthrough (TES III Morrowind: Tribunal)

After you've survived another assassination attempt in his previous quest, Helseth asks you to prove yourself to him by dueling and defeating Karrod, his strongest warrior.

I strongly suggest you do this quest as you'll need Karrod's Odd Dwemer Weapon and the easiest way to get it is just to ask him after you've already defeated him once.

When you defeat Karrod, Helseth will award you the unique weapon, Dagger of Symmachus. While it is not an artifact (it looks like a regular glass dagger), you CAN donate/sell it to the Museum. Consider this if you find the Robe of the Lich as too annoying an object to get.

Helseth's Champion - Main Quest Walkthrough (TES III Morrowind: Tribunal)
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