Harolde Lof | Harold's Glory - A Heroic Tale in Old English

Описание к видео Harolde Lof | Harold's Glory - A Heroic Tale in Old English

Subscribe, comment, and like - Embark on a journey through the mists of time to the Battle of Hastings, where the valiant King Harold's tale unfolds in this Old English epic, "Harolde Lof." Witness the clash of armies and the fall of a hero through the power of music and storytelling.


Old English

Hwæt! Ic singe Haroldes lof,
cenne mannes ofer sæ,
þæs þe Engle cyning wæs,
wigum hrem and landes beorg.

He æt Senlac stan fordraf,
wið Norwegan cyninge feaht,
Harald Hardrada him onfond,
ac on wal feoll at þam gefeohte.

Þa com Willelm ofer sæ,
Francena cyning on Englalande,
mid miclum here and swiðran mode,
Harold him togenes wende.

Hi fengon æt Hastings on wal,
wiges heard and hryre micel,
manige menn feollon on þam daga,
Engla and Normanna eac.

Harold cyning wæs on þam gefeohte,
strang and stædefast wiggende,
ac wunden wearð and feoll to grund,
Engla weoll sorh and seoc.

Hwæt! Þe lagu on Senlac wæron,
wulfes fodder and earnes mete,
þa mæyas sungon sarigan sang,
ofer þam hrofum hi wepton.

Ac Haroldes lof sceal lifan,
æfter ælce tide and ylde,
þæs þe cyning wæs æfre betst,
Engla landes scyld and beorg.


Lo! I sing of Harold's fame,
The noble man from over the sea,
Who was England's king,
A terror in war and shield of the land.

He perished at Senlac stone,
Fighting the Norwegian king,
Harald Hardrada he encountered,
But fell in the battle on the wall.

Then came William from over the sea,
The French king in England,
With a great army and fierce intent,
Harold turned to face him.

They clashed at Hastings on the wall,
A fierce and mighty battle,
Many men fell that day,
Both English and Normans alike.

King Harold was in that fight,
Strong and steadfast in war,
Yet he was wounded and fell to the ground,
Sorrow and woe befell the English.

Lo! The corpses at Senlac,
Were wolf's feast and eagle's meat,
The maidens sang a sorrowful song,
Over the roofs they wept.

But Harold's fame shall live,
Through every time and age,
For the king was ever the best,
England's shield and fortress.


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