Vermintide 2 - Glazier's Holiday Solo 2024 | The simplest method for ANY character

Описание к видео Vermintide 2 - Glazier's Holiday Solo 2024 | The simplest method for ANY character

This video demonstrates one of the easiest ways to complete this challenge alone.

- Leave one bot alive and go to the event area.
- Finish off the last bot at a decent distance from the barricades. While the bot is downed, it will lure the first wave of enemies.
- Head quickly to the special spot.
- Wait until you hear a sound notification. Additionally, (if you are doing this challenge for the first time) you will see a text notification in the chat.

Some tips and clarifications:

1. This challenge can be completed with ANY character/career.

2. You don't have to burn the tainted food immediately to complete this challenge. It has an internal timer and it will be done automatically after ~130-140 seconds.

3. Avoid fighting the horde near the event area at all costs. Otherwise, they may break the barricades. Specials or Loot Rat can also break it.

4. If you hear that one of the barricades is under attack, you can simply throw a firebomb to clear the area.

5. This event can be completed without luring enemies to the downed bot. All you have to do is take a special spot and throw a firebomb at both barricades when they are under attack. The next enemy waves will never come until you leave this place.


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